When people and dogs do things together it is good news all around. The dogs have a better opportunity to learn good manners. That makes them easier to live with and less likely to be given up. The activities help the people get in touch with one another to share information. That also helps people to learn about dogs, to avoid problems, and to solve them in a healthy way. A wonderful side benefit is that these activities can be a wonderful mental boost for humans and dogs alike.
The big surprise to me was how many actitivies I can do with my mixed breed dogs. And the variety of sports, games, and just plain good times was also an eye opener. Many of the activities listed here will will be new to you. Some of them you may have seen on TV, but never thought of getting involved in yourself. Well plunge right in and explore. You and your dog will be glad you did. People who play with their dog, stay with their dog.
Therapy Dogs and Visiting Pets
Opinion and Contemplation about Dogs
Dog Behavior and Training Issues
Dog Breeding and Placement Practices
DogPlay is a service owned and operated by Diane Blackman. It provides articles, information, advice and opinion on our relationships with our dogs. Articles from DogPlay have been reprinted in publications across the United States, and even on occasion outside the United States. DogPlay is the service mark that identifies the source and character of the information published here and elsewhere. The purpose of this web site and the information, articles, and items produced in association with DogPlay is to improve the welfare of the domestic canine by encouraging a higher level of interaction between people and the dogs they've chosen.
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Copyright © 1998-2004, Diane Blackman Created: May 11, 1998 Updated April 11, 2006