Behavior, Socialization, and Training Links
- These resources are intended to (a) point you to thoughtful and competent web sites on dog behavior issues (b) persuade you of the value of in person training, and help you choose a class or trainer for your dog (c) provide you the web sites for organizations that will help you find a competent dog trainer and (d) help you find a discussion list or on line group to help with behavior problems.
Clicker Links
- Training your dog makes it more likely you will keep your dog. If you have been reluctant to train because you don't like being bossy, then give clicker training a try.
Peeing Puppies - Submissive Urination Links
- Hooboy - the subject lines that accompany inquiries on this problem. Solvable in most cases if you understand that it is an instinctive reaction, it gets worse if you get angry or upset.
Poop eating Pets - Coprophagia links
- Of all the dog problems there are this one that gets more people truly upset. I don't quite understand why, but I do know that people will dump their dogs over it. Mostly solvable with a bit of experimentation.
Tricks and other mental exercises
- Training doesn't have to be boring. Training tricks and playing games with your dog is great for developing your relationship with your dog. You can make it fun for your dog to follow your direction.
Kids, Dogs and Safety
- This is primarily a collection of resources of information collected from a variety of trainers and behaviorists. The page is in the
top five most popular on this site.
Cats and Dogs, Introductions
- This is a very casually written series taken from advice to a variety of people on that cats and dogs issue. I have a lot of experience with the dynamics of cats and kittens and dogs and puppies but I've never had a truly serious problem with the dog side of it. For me the cats are the tricky part.
Re-teaching the recall
- I wrote this one after seeing the dozenth post of "my dog won't come." In most cases the person has actually accidentally taught the dog not to come. A good introduction to
clicker training will make the information here a bit more understandable.
Aloneness Training
- This one sounds like it is teaching "stay" and literally it is teaching "stay" but the point of the exercise is to teach the dog to be comfortable when you are away.
Bark Collars for the Barking Dog?
- To the question of "What kind of bark collar should I get for my dog?" My usual response is, none. Instead work out ways to reduce the dog's need to bark.
Keeping the K9 out of the Kitty Box
- Not everything requires a training answer. These are mostly a variety of management suggestions of how to make the cat box easily available to the cat, but not the dog.
Puppy leash training
- The system taught here is based on the idea that the dog has no experience with leashes and thus no bad habit to undo. While it is called "leash training" the primary principle is to use anything
but the leash to keep the dog with you. If you don't rely on physical control at that start, then you won't need it later.
Toys for bored dogs
- Zoos call it "enrichment" I guess I could call it that too. Mostly this is an article on the various toys and chew things that can be used to length the time it takes for a dog to eat a meal.
Family Dog Growling or Snapping at Family Members
- This is another attempt to stop senseless dog deaths. People wait far too long before taking growling and snapping seriously. Most of these problems could be completely cured if professional assistance were sought at the very first instance.
Free Dog Training Manual
- I wasn't quite sure whether to put this in articles or editorials. The advice is good, and unlike the
article below it isn't a rant. The title was a bit tongue-in-cheek because I don't think effective dog training can be learned very well by a "manual" alone - free or otherwise. But while it lacks specifics, the principles described are very accurate. If you actually put them into effect you will end up with a well behaved dog. And in every case I know of where the dog was mentally healthy, training failure was due to not applying these principles. Lack of consistency and lack of practice are the primary causes of training failure.
Dog Training - Fast and Simple
- This is
not an article on how to train your dog. It is my rant on people who fail to train, and the dogs that suffer and die because of it. If you like emotion, great, if not skip this one.
Why Write a Bitter Dog Training Page? -
- This is a bit of explanation about why I wrote the "Dog Training Fast and Simple" article.
Discussion Dogs in Rural Areas
- I get so frustrated when ignorance kills dogs. This is discussion occurred some years ago but the truth of it remains. The country is no place for the free roaming dog.
Choosing a group dog training class
- I can't stress too strongly the value of a competent in person class. Most dog training failures are the result of unconscious behavior by the human half. It doesn't help when a book or web site tells you not to do something (e.g. give a double command) if you don't know you are doing it. Your learning will be more effective, faster and less stressful when you have someone to help you avoid unconscious behavior and encourage you when you are getting it right.
Is my dog aggressive? A question of aggression.
- If you think your dog might be too aggressive don't panic, but do take it seriously. Your early intervention may make the difference between whether your dog lives or dies.
A Behavior Consultation - Success!
- One in a series of articles by people who
did consult with a trainer to give you an idea of what to expect.
Met With Trainer Yesterday - Good Things Happen!
- One in a series of articles by people who
did consult with a trainer to give you an idea of what to expect.
Training Helps Make Your Dog A Friend
- One in a series of articles by people who
did consult with a trainer to give you an idea of what to expect.
Dog Training Works!
- One in a series of articles by people who
did consult with a trainer to give you an idea of what to expect.
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Note: The opinions and descriptions expressed above are those of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by any other organization.
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Copyright © 1998-2006, Diane Blackman
Created: May 11, 2004
Updated November 21, 2010