Arrrrgh! Not one, not two but three times tonight Oso swooped down on an unopened can of catfood. The first he opened and half consumed before I caught him. While I was sticking it in the fridge for the cats breakfast he slipped into the bedroom and snagged another. That got just one puncture. Was my rebuke sufficient? NO, this time he get the BIG cat food can. arrgh!. So for the last twenty minutes he has been on "down-stay" with the cat food can in front of his nose! After various sighs and shifting around I think he finally decided I'm serious. So next is to leave him and the can while I casually walk off. Too bad I'm really lousy at sneaking!
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Xylitol risk to your dog Unexpected electric danger to your dog on the street
Copyright © 1998-2003, Diane Blackman Created: February 12, 1998 Updated November 12, 2007
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