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   Being Responsible in Getting a Pet

What does being responsible in getting a pet mean?

  1. You don't know what you don't know, so explore and learn.
  2. Where you get the pet matters. Your choices can contribute to the problem or work to reduce it.
  3. If you don't have the time to find the right pet, you don't have the time to keep one.
  4. The way it has always been isn't always the right way. Read and catch up on what we've learned.
  5. Pay attention to the companionship needs of the pet.
  6. Don't impose your pet on others.
  7. There is a difference between casual and careless. Don't be careless.
  8. Learn about living with your pet. Taking a class won't kill you, but failure might kill your pet.
  9. Leave breeding to those who will take the time and make the effort to do it right.
  10. Pets are an adult responsibility. Establish a child's responsiblity through non-living things first.
  11. Accept the possiblity that now might not be the right time for a pet in your life.

If you are considering adding a pet to your life explore the links below. Read at least one book on solving problem behaviors in the pet so you understand what kinds of problems can occur before you get the pet. What bad thing will happen if you take the time to learn?


Additional articles on selecting your dog and related topics.

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The Truth About Dogs Series

Xylitol risk to your dog
Unexpected electric danger to your dog on the street

Copyright © 205, Diane Blackman     Created:July 16, 2005     Updated November 12, 2007

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