Dog Genetics Health Issues by Breed
The purpose of this page? Honestly? It is just for me. When I offer advice on various breeds I like to be able to refer people to informative web sites that seem to me to have some substance. Consider this page my "bookmarks" page on breed health issues. If you find it useful I'm happy to share.
This breed health links collection is an attempt to collect information on breed specific health issues. Take the information with a grain of salt as I don't have the time or the interest to research the validity of the information. You might ask why I provide the information if I'm not sure its valid. A fair question. Call it a starting place. On the other hand I don't include just any site that happens to list breed health problems. I try to pick sites that seem to have some direct or personal experience with the issues e.g. breed clubs, breed fans, and sometimes breeders. I'm looking for sites where the health issues listed are just a bit more than mere rumor. My goal is also to avoid sites that simply list the health issues, and instead focus on ones that do some explaining, perhaps about the health issues, the genetic relationship, that kind of thing.
If I don't have a link by all means do a web search for the breed and try to find information on the health issues. In most cases you will be able to find it. Usually the way I've been finding them is to type in the name of the breed then either the word "health" or even better a health problem I already know about or its test. E.g. Collie CEA
Keep in mind that not all health issues are created equal. Some are easily corrected and thereafter do not adversely affect the life of the dog, others are life threatening or a life long burden, and some a merely a minor nuisance. Actually I have focussed mostly upon suggested health testing before breeding. That does not always correlate well with existing health issues. For example, breeders of Huskies are encouraged to check for hip problems, yet they have a very low incidence of hip problems. This is good as "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
The sad thing I've noted is the number of breed clubs where the website provides no breed health information. I'd expect the people in the breed to believe it is important to educate
everyone about health issues in the breed. Some will happily spend lots of space showing pictures of their National Specialty, but not a word on selecting a good breeder. Personally I'd take that as a warning sign that the breed culture might be one that doesn't care much about the
dog. It doesn't mater whether you are a good web designer or a poor one, what you chose to put on the site reflects what you think is important to your audience. I'd look more for a breed club that appears to consider educating people about their breed as a critical value of their web site. Check the
Pet Web Library for more general health issues.
Back to the Breeder's Ethics page
Additional resources
- Affenpinscher
Affenpinscher Club of America
- Afghan Hound
Afghan Hound Club of America
- Airedale Terrier
Airedale Terrier Club of America
- Akita
Japanese Akita Club of America, Inc
Akita Club of America Health Issues
Akita Temperament
Breeder Checklist
Akita Alumni on Akita Health
- Alaskan Malamute
Alaskan Malamute Health Home Page
Health and the Alaskan Malamute
- American Eskimo
American Eskimo Dog Club of America, Inc
American Eskimo Health Concerns
- American Water Spaniel
American Water Spaniel Field Association, Inc, Epilepsy
American Water Spaniel Field Association, Inc, Hypothyroidism
AWS Partners
- Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Anatolian Shepherd Dogs International
- Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Cattle Dog Club of America
- Australian Shepherd
United States Australian Shepherd Association
Australian Shepherd Club of America, Health Handouts
Genetic Diseases in the Australian Shepherd
Genetic Nightmares, Australian Shepherd Club of Arizona
- Australian Terrier
The Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc.
Australian Terrier Club of America Health Survey
Back to alphabet list
- Basenji
Health Concerns of the Basenji Dog
Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency in Basenjis
- Basset Hound Basset Hound Club of America
Bassett Hound Club of America Health Policy
- Beagle
Beagle, Columbia Willamette Beagle Club
National Beagle Club of America
National Beagle Club of America: Beagle Health Problems
- Bearded Collie
Bearded Collie Club of Canada
Bearded Collie, Guidelines for breeding, selling and exhibiting
Bearded Collie Club of America
Bearded Collie Club (UK)

Bearded Collie Foundation for Health
- Beauceron
North American Beauceron Club, questions to ask
United States Beauceron Alliance -- Health
Beauceron Health Issues
- Bedlington Terrier
Bedlington Terrier Club of America, Health
Copper Toxicosis in Bedlington Terriers
- Belgian Malinois
Belgian Malinois, American Belgian Malinois Club
Common genetic problems within the Belgian Malinois
- Belgian Sheepdog
Belgian Sheepdog Club of America, Health
United Belgian Shepherd Dog Association Health Notebook
- Belgian Tervuren
Belgian Tervuren, American Belgian Tervuren Club
American Belgian Tervuren Club: Health Education
- Bernese Mountain Dog
Bernese Mountain Dog Health Concerns
Berner-Garde Health Data Base
- Bichon Frise
- Bichon Frise Club of Canada
This link did not work on last access attempt.
Bichon Frise Club of America, Health
- Bloodhound
American Bloodhound Club, Health Links
Inherited, Congenital and Acquired health problems
Health Certifications before breeding
Bloat and Bloodhounds
- Border Collie
Border Collie Society of America, Heatlh
Border Collie Veterinary Information
Border Collie Health and Looks
- Border Terrier
Border Terrier Club of America, Health
BTCA Health page
Border Terrier Breed History
- Borzoi
Borzoi - Guidelines For Breeders
Borzoi Club of America, Health Registry
- Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier Club of America
The Boston Terrier Club of America Health Committee
Boston Terrier Health
- Bouvier des Flandres
American Bouvier des Flandres Club, Health and the Bouvier
Bouvier Health Concerns
- Boxer
Boxer Club of Canada Health Links
American Boxer Club, Genetic Diseases
American Boxer Club, Health Information
Boxer Health
- Boykin Spaniel
Boykin Spaniel FAQs
- Briard
Briard Club of America, Medical Information
Briard health information
Dog Owner's Guide: The Briard
- Brussels Griffon
American Brussels Griffon Association
Buyer Beware
- Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier Club of America, Inc, Health Information.
- Bulldog
Bulldog Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Bulldogs World: Health related to the Bulldog
Bulldogs World: Breeding and Whelping
Bulldogs Possible Health Problems
Back to alphabet list
- Cairn Terrier
Cairn Terrier Club of America, Health
DNA tests
Health Related Concerns
- Canaan
Canaan, Israel Canaan Dog Club of America, Code of Ethics
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Canaan Dog Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Cardigan Welsh Corgi - What About Health?
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club Health Foundation
American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, What is a Cavalier?
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Health
- Chesapeke Bay Retriever
Chesapeke Bay Retriever, American Chesapeake Club, Health Issues
- Chihuahua
Chihuahua Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Chihuahua Health and Medical Concerns
Congenital and Hereditary Conditions in the Chihuahua
- Chinese Shar Pei
Chinese Shar Pei Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Chow Chow
Chow Chow Club, Inc
(no health information noted - contact the club)
When last visited this web site did not provide
full access.
Chow Chow Welfare: Canine Health Information
- Clumber Spaniel
Clumber Health
- Cocker Spaniel (American)
American Spaniel Club - Health registry
American Spaniel Club, Breeder Guidelines (PDF format)
- Collie
Collie Club of America Foundation Health Articles
- Coton de Tulear
Coton de Tulear Club of America Health Tests
Coton De Tulear, Health Registry
- Curly Coated Retriever
Curly Coated Retriever Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Back to alphabet list
- Dachshund
Dachshund Orthopedic Disc Group Email Resource
Dachshund Club of America
Dachshund Club of America Health and Welfare Trust Fund
Dachshund Health Care
- Dalmatian
Dalmatian Breeding Considerations
Dalmatian Club of America, Ethical Guidelines
Dalmatian Club of America, Health
Dalmatian Club of America Health and Research Information
Dalmatian Health Concerns
Dalmatian Health Issues
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Glaucoma Project
Dandie Dinmont Terrier Health Survey
- Doberman
United Doberman Club Health Issues in Dobermans
Doberman FAQ, Special Medical Concerns
Genetic Health Concerns in the Doberman
Doberman Pinscher Foundation of America: Genetic Diseases
- Dogue De Bordeaux
United States Bordeaux Corporation, Health
Back to alphabet list
- English Cocker Spaniel
English Cocker Spaniel Club of America, Health
- English Setter
English Setter Association Of America FAQ
- English Shepherd
The English Shepherd Club Code of Ethics
- English Springer Spaniel
ESS Health, Genetics and Research FAQ
- English Toy Spaniel
English Toy Spaniel Club of America
- Entlebucher Mountain Dog
Entlebucher Mountain Dog Health and Genetics
Back to alphabet list
- Field Spaniel
Field Spaniel Society of America, Code of Ethics
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Field Spaniel Health
- Finnish Spitz
Finnish Spitz Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Flat Coated Retriever
Flat-Coated Retriever Society of Canada
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America: Health Issues
Flat Coated Retriever Hereditary Problems
- Fox Terrier
Fox Terrier, Amercian Fox Terrier Club
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- French Bulldog
French Bull Dog Club of America, Vet letter
French Bull Dog Club of America, Selecting a Breeder
Back to alphabet list
- German Pinscher
German Pinscher Club of America Breeders Infomation
- German Shepherd
German Shepherd Dog: Health Concerns
German Shepherd Dog Club of Canada
(no health information noted - contact the club)
German Shepherd Dog Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- German Shorthaired Pointer
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- German Wirehaired Pointer
German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Giant Schnauzer
Giant Schnauzer Club of America, Inc., Health and Heredity
Planet Schnauzer: Health and Genetics
- Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever Club of America: Acquiring a Golden Retriever, Hereditary Problems
Golden Retriever Hereditary Health Problems
- Gorden Setter
Gorden Setter Club of Amerca, Medical Problems
- Great Dane
Great Dane Club Of America, Health and Welfare
Great Dane Health Foundation
Great Dane Health Issues
- Great Pyrenees
Great Pyrenees Club of America, Buying a Puppy
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Great Pyrenees Club of America, Health Survey
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America, Inc., Health and Breeding
Washington Greater Swiss, Inc., Code of Ethics.
Back to alphabet list
- Harrier
Harrier Club of America, Health Information
- Havanese
Havansse Club of America, Health
Havanese - to CERF or not to CERF
Hereditary and Genetic Disorders of the Havanese Breed
Back to alphabet list
- Ibizan Hound
Ibizan Hound Club Of The United States
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Irish Setter
Irish Setter Club of America, Getting a Puppy
Irish Setter Club: Current Health Research
- Irish Terrier
Irish Terrier Club of America, Health
- Irish Water Spaniel
Irish Water Spaniel Club of America, Health Issues
- Irish Wolfhound
Irish Wolfhound Club of Amercia, Health Concerns
- Italian Greyhound
Italian Greyhound Club of America, IG Health Information
Back to alphabet list
- Jack Russell Terrier
English Jack Russell Terrier Club Alliance, Inc Code of Ethics
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Parson Terrier Association of America, Health and Genetics
Jack Russell Terrier Club of America, Medical Facts
- Japanese Chin
- Japanese Chin Club of America
This link did not work on last access attempt.
When last visited this web site did not provide
full access.
Back to alphabet list
- Kangal Dog
Kangal Dog Club of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Keeshond
Keeshond Club Of America
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Kerry Blue Terrier
United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club Health and Genetics Package: Breed Information
- Komondor
Komondor Club of America, How to Buy a Puppy
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Kuvaz
Veterinary Notes For Kuvasz Owners
Back to alphabet list
- Labrador Retriever
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Club, Articles
Labrador Retriever, National Labrador Retriever Guide to Buying
(this site will not provide a direct link to the desired resource)
Spirit of St. Louis Labrador Retriever Club
Lab Health
- Lakeland Terrier
United States Lakeland Terrier Club
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Leonberger
Leonberger Club Health Page
- Lhasa Apso
American Lhasa Apso Club, ALAC Health & Education
Vet Gen Renal Dysplasia
Lhasa Apso Health News
Genetics Links
Patellar luxation in the Lhasa Apso
- Lowchen
Lowchen Diseases, Defects or Conditions in Dogs
Back to alphabet list
- Maltese
American Maltese Association - Interviewing Breeders
Maltese Health Issues
- Manchester Terrier
Manchester Terrier Health Information
AMTC/CMTC Health Survey
Manchester Terrier Health Issues
- Mastiff
Mastiff Club of America, Mastiff Health
Mastiff Health
- Miniature Bull Terrier
Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America Health Concerns
- Miniature Pinscher
Canadian Miniature Pinscher Club, Health Issues
Miniature Pinscher Club: Health Problems
Health Issues of Miniature Pinschers
- Miniature Schnauzer
Twin Cities Miniature Schnauzer Club, Hints for Buying
Miniature Schnauzer Health Issues
American Miniature Schnauzer Club Health Issues
Simply Schnauzer Health and Nutrition
Planet Schnauzer: Health and Genetics
Back to alphabet list
- Newfoundland
Newfoundland Club of America, Newfoundland Health Issues
- Norwegian Elkhound
Norwegian Elkhound Association of America, Health and Research
Norwegian Elkhound Health Problems
- Norwich and Norfolk Terrier
Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Club, Health and Genetics
Back to alphabet list
- Old English Sheepdog
Old English Sheepdog Club of America, Inc.
Old English Sheepdog Rescue of Southern California: The Old English Sheepdog Story
Back to alphabet list
- Papillon
Papillon Club of America, Inc., Health and Genetics
Papillion Club of America FAQs: Health Considerations
Papillion Health Articles
- Parson Russell Terrier
Parson Terrier Association of America, Health and Genetics
- Pekingese
Pekingese Club of America, FAQ
Todd's Pekingese Pages - Pekingese Health
Common Medical Disorders of the Pekingese
- Pembroke Welsh Corgie
Pembroke Welsh Corgie Club of America
Health and Veterinary Information
How to Buy a Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club of America, Health and Genetics
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen FAQs
Health and Genetics Committee, Health Articles
- Pointer
American Pointer Club
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Pomeranian
American Pomeranian Club, Code of Ethics
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Vet Centric: The Pomeranian
- Poodle
Poodle Club of America
When last visited this web site did not provide
full access.
Poodle Health Problems
Poodle Health and Genetics
Versatility In Poodles, Inc: Poodle health issues
- Portuguese Water Dog
Portuguese Water Dog Club of America: Health
- Pug Dog
The Pug Dog Club, Health Issues
Pug Dog Club of America Code of Ethics
Known Medical Problems in Pugs
Pug Medical Care
- Puli
Puli Club of America, FAQ
Back to alphabet list
Back to alphabet list
- Rat Terrier
Rat Terrier Club Of America, Research & Genetics
Rat Terrier Club Of America, FAQs
American Rat Terrier Association
(no health information noted - contact the club)
American Hairless Rat Terrier Club
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the United States, FAQs
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the United States, Breed Information
- Rottweiler
American Rottweiler Club, How To Abide By The Mandatory Practices
American Rottweiler Club: Health Articles
Rottweiler Health Foundation
Rottweiler Health Issues
Back to alphabet list
- Saluki
- Saluki Club of America, Code of Ethics
- Samoyed
Samoyed Club of America, Buyer Guide
Samoyed Club of America, Breeder Guide
Samoyed Club of America Health Overview
Samoyed Health
- Schipperke
Schipperke Club of America Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB (MPS IIIB)
Schipperke Club of America - Schipperke Health Concerns
Schipperke Health Concerns
Genetic problems in the Schipperke
Schipperke Health
- Scottish Deerhound
Scottish Deerhound Health Information
- Scottish Terrier
Scottish Terrier Club of America
Scottish Terrier Club of America - Genetic Issues
- Shetland Sheepdog
American Shetland Sheepdog Association, Health Research
Canadian Shetland Sheepdog Association
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Shetland Sheepdog Medical Conditions
- Shiba Inu
The National Shiba Club of America, An Overview of Health Problems in the Shiba Inu
- Shih Tzu
American Shih Tzu Club, Breeder Guidelines
American Shih Tzu Club, Inc
Questions to Ask a Shih Tzu Breeder
- Siberian Husky
Siberian Health Problems to Avoid
- Silky Terrier
Silky Terrier Club of America, Inc, Code of Ethics
- Skye Terrier
Skye Terrier Club of America, Code of Ethics
- Sloughi
Sloughis, American Sloughi Association, Inc., Sloughis Health
- Smooth Fox Terrier
Amercian Fox Terrier Club
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of American: Health Issues
- Spinone Italiano
Spinone Club of America
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club, Inc.
- Standard Schnauzer
Standard Schnauzer Club of America, FAQ
Simply Schnauzer Health and Nutrition
Planet Schnauzer: Health and Genetics
- Swedish Vallhund
Swedish Vallhund Club Of America, Genetics
Back to alphabet list
- Tibetan Mastiff
- American Tibetan Mastiff Association
Tibetan Mastiff Health Matters
- Tibetan Spaniel
Tibetan Spaniel Club of America, Health
Tibetan Spaniel Association
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Tibetan Spaniel Health Facts
- Tibetan Terrier
Tibetan Terrier Club of America, Guidelines for Responsible Breeders
Tibetan Terrier Club of America: Breed Characteristics
Tibetan Terrier Health Concerns
- Toy Fox Terrier
American Toy Fox Terrier Club, Health
Back to alphabet list
Back to alphabet list
- Vizsla
Vizsla Club of America: Health Concerns
Back to alphabet list
- Weimaraner
Weimaraner Club of America, Code of Ethics
Weimaraner Health Issues
West Coast Weimaraner Club Health Issues
Weimaraner Club of Great Britain
(no health information noted - contact the club)
- Welsh Springer Spaniel
Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America, Health
- Welsh Terrier
Welsh Terrier Club of America
Welch Terrier Club of America, Heatlh Watch
- West Highland White Terrier
West Highland White Terrier Club of America: Health Concerns
Westie Foundation of America: Health Concerns
- Whippet
Whippet Health Foundation
American Whippet Club - FAQs
- White Shepherd
American White Shepherd Association, Health and Genetics
White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of Australia, Health issues
- Wire Fox Terrier
Fox Terrier, Amercian Fox Terrier Club
- Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
American Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Association
WPG heath issues
Back to alphabet list
Back to alphabet list
- Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier Club of America FAQ
Back to alphabet list
Back to alphabet list
Additional Resources
Dr. Bob's list of Breed Related health problems
AKC Canine Health Foundation
Animal Science at Cornell University; Canine Genetics Links
Canine Breed-specific Risks of Frequently Diagnosed Diseases at Veterinary Teaching Hospitals (pdf)
Bark Bytes Collection of Medical Issues by Breed
Utilizing health programs for controlling canine genetic disease (pdf format)
The Kennel Club UK - Canine Health Issues

Canine Inherited Disorder Database
- Ibizan Hound
Ibizan Hound Club Of The United States
(no health information noted - contact the club)
Breed Predispositions to Disease in Dogs & Cats by Alex Gough & Alison Thomas
Additional Resources:
Articles on dog breeding issues and related
Books and videos on
breeding and genetics from Dogwise.
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Copyright protects only creative works. So I can't stop you from copying the list above to your own web site even though putting this list together and maintaining it is a
lot of work. But if you do decide to copy the list, at least provide the courtesy of putting a link back to my site on yours. And I'll be especially annoyed if you copy the list then fail to do a better job of maintaining the links. Hey if you are going to copy the list at least fix the dead links!
Copyright © 2002-2004, Diane Blackman
Created: April 13, 2002
Updated November 12, 2007
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