Legislating against breeding has the potential to devastate the genetic health of our pet populations. The bigger the burdens placed on breeders the narrower the breeding population becomes. To continue to share our lives with the animals we love we must have good, healthy, solid breeders. This is not accomplished by making it expensive, burdensome and governmentally intrusive to breed. It is accomplish, and is being accomplished by education. That does not mean no breeder regulation. It simply means being very careful about the language and the policies to avoid bad consequences.
Ill advised laws are sweeping the United States by groups determined to eliminate animals as pets (you do know that PETA kills more than 90% of the animals it takes in, and HSUS actively recommended the killing of puppies born to dog-fighting parents, right?). PETA and HSUS are not pet friendly.
Here are some bills introduced in 2009. The listing of these bills is just that, a listing of bills. It is not intended to be a list of "bad bills" or "good bills" and by the time you read this any comments may not apply because the provisions may change. Some of the links go directly to the bills, some go to pages here for comment.
Alabama SB554 - As introduced requires spay / neuter of all cats and dogs with limited exceptions.
California (SB250) (mandatory desexing) (AB1122) (selling animal in public) AB241 (limits on ownership or possession of inteact animals)
Florida S2002 - As introduced limited ownership to fewer than 50 dogs. Set out standards of housing, exercise and
veterinary care for animals where the owner has more than 9 dogs older than 4 months.
Illinois HB0198 - License required if 3 or more females for sale of offspring, limit of 20 unaltered dogs.
Minnesota S.F. No.7 H.F. No. 253 S.F. 201 S.F. No. 500 H.F. No.573
North Carolina SB 460 as introduced
Oklahoma HB 1332
Oregon HB 2470
Tennessee SB 258
Virginia HB 538
Wisconsin SB110
West Virginia HB 2843
PETA reports as shelter animals those temporarily in its care for spay and neuter. The 90%+ figure is based on animals turned in or picked up as strays or owner surrenders. The 90% figure excludes animals that were owned, not surrendered, and not stray and therefore not available for PETA to place or kill. (2006) (2007) (2008),
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