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Nevada animal bills for 2009

Bills introduced to the Nevada legislature can be found at

One tactic to getting laws passed against breeders is to introduce the bill as something everyone can support, like anti-dog fighting, encourage a big show of support, and then change the language to target breeders. Once people have seen the intial bill as harmless they may fail to follow its amendment and in any case their early support can be used as evidence that the provisions are popular.

Nevada bill SB241 as introduced
requires licensing cat or dog breeder for an annual licensing fee of $500. Licenses can be refused to applicants convicted of provisions under the cruelty to animals] laws of Nevada.

Nevada bill AB15 as introduced
Requires pet sellers, veterinarians and public parks to post notices of any local ordinances requiring sterilization of dogs or cats.

Nevada bill SB133 as introduced
As introduced this bill expands the prohibitions under existing law to include a person who possesses any animal with the intent to use the animal in a fight with another animal or to engage in certain other acts that are prohibited under NRS 574.070.

The bill is under going amendment that will require
(1) an "operator" to provide specified minimum floor space calculated as ((6 inches+length of animal) squared) / 144 = required square footage. An animal 18 inches long would require 4 square feet. (6+18)=24 24*24=576 576/144=4 It prohibits stacking of cages.
(2) daily exercise periods totaling at least one hour for each dog in which the dog is removed from the primary enclosure and given free mobility for the entire exercise period by either leash walking or giving the dog access to a space at least four times the size of the primary enclosure. Mechanical exercise devices are prohibited.
(3) Requires annual veterinary exams and exams "prior to each attempt at breeding," prompt treatment of any illness or injury by a licensed veterinarian; and, "where needed, humane euthanasia to be performed only by a licensed veterinarian using techniques identified as “Acceptable”.
(4) Prohibits breeding consecutive heat cycles or breeding dogs younger than one year.
(5) Limits breeders to 50 or fewer breeding animals.

----- Note the above provisions are not yet officially published ---

Nevada bill AB199
This bill prohibits a person from owning, possessing, keeping, training, promoting or purchasing an animal with the intent to use it to
fight another animal or from selling an animal knowing that it is intended to be used to fight another animal. Under existing law, a person is prohibited from witnessing any fight between animals in an exhibition or for amusement or gain. This bill requires a person to
knowingly witness such a fight in order to be guilty of a violation.

Nevada bill SB132 as introduced
This bill prohibits a person from tethering, chaining, tying or otherwise restraining a dog using a device that is less than 12 feet in length or for more than 9 hours during a 24-hour period or from placing a dog in an outdoor enclosure for more than 9 hours during a 24-hour period unless the dog weighs a specified amount and the enclosure is a certain size.

To be used longer than 9 hours the pen must be at least 60 square feet for dogs under 20 pounds, 120 square feet for dogs under 60 pounds, 160 square feet for dogs under 100 pounds, and 200 square feet for dogs over over 100.

It exempts a dog that is: (1) being treated by a veterinarian; (2) being used for hunting or being trained to hunt; (3) participating in a dog show; (4) being kept in a shelter or boarding facility or temporarily in a camping area; (5) temporarily being cared for during a rescue operation; or (6) being used as part of an agricultural operation.

You can vote in polls on Nevada legislation at

You can track bills of interest to you at



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