The various protection sports originate either to test whether a dog meets breeding requirments, or in competition over the level of control and skill in the real work world of police, guard, and similar duties. Those based on breeding evaluation tend to be more stylized than the activities intended to reflect real work conditions.
The most well known of the protection sports is Schutzhund. Originally Schutzhund tested German Shepherd Dogs to determine whether they were worthy of breeding. Today it is a sport open to a wide variety of breeds.
Mondioring ( Mondio Ring) - a generalized protection sport competition representing elements of French Ring, Belgian Ring, IPO (SchH) and KNPV. Trials are theme based with props, scenarios, and distractions consistent with that theme placed at strategic points on the trial field.
KNPV - While some people treat KNPV as a "sport" it is more of a working competition. KNPV is Dutch police dog training standards. A competition would test how closely the dog meets those requirements.
French Ring Sport - like Schutzhund this activity originated as a method of determining whether a dog had the courage, soundness, temperament and other qualities worthy of passing to the next generation of dogs.
This article outlines the basic elements of each of the major protection sports. It covers Schutzhund, IPO, KNPV, Belgium Ring, French Ring, and Mondio Ring,
SDAssoc’s judges, decoys, and the KNPV-USA PH-1 & PH-2 Certificates of Capacity earned under Service Dog Association, are fully recognized by the Dutch KNPV organization.
A general description of KNPV
Mondio Ring originated in Europe. The first USA was held in 2000.
Books and Videos on Schutzhund and Guard Dogs from Dogwise.
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